Electronic Music
Artificial Intelligence

MUSKI is a journey to explore artificial intelligence applied to music and connected to the broader history of electronic music.

In addition to this online book, MUSKI is also a series of workshops and live events.

MUSKI was created by


a non-profit organization dedicated to creating new interactive ways of exploring mathematics, artificial intelligence, and other sciences.

Learn more about us.


Eric Londaits (concept, content, development)
Tobias Kösters (project managament, events)
Andreas Matt (direction)
Christian Stussak (development)
Elisabeth Schaber (translation, editing)
Bianca Violet (workshops, coordination)
Johanna Marschall (administration)
Oliver Schön (content assistance)
Martin Skrodzki (content assistance)
Constanza Rojas-Molina (illustrations)

Muski was developed as part of "dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions" of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation) with funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) through the NEUSTART KULTUR programme.
Muski was developed as part of "dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions" of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation) with funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) through the NEUSTART KULTUR programme.